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P.O. Box: 21-B
Kyiv, Ukraine



Наші партнери - це приватні особи, які повністю поділяють погляди і позицію HPLGBT, а також фонди, організації, мережеві структури, коаліції чи корпорації, які ознайомлені з Етичним кодексом HPLGBT, яке регулює взаємодії з партнерами та спонсорами.

Партнерські відносини повинні гарантувати повну незалежність та цілісність всіх сторін.

HPLGBT акцентує свою увагу на відносинах з усіма ключовими партнерами, у тому числі на відносинах з організаціями приватного сектора, з метою отримання соціальних та/або фінансових результатів.

У цьому розділі представлені всі партнери HPLGBT, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з нами якщо у Вас є пропозиції щодо партнерства, в будь-який зручний для Вас час.

Safe Space Alliance

The Safe Space Alliance is a LGBTQI+ led nonprofit organisation that aims to help people identify, navigate, and create safe spaces for the LGBTQI+ community worldwide. Being part of the Safe Space Alliance is being part of a global and collaborative safe space community.

Union for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Eastern Partnership Region (USRHREaP)

USRHREaP - it's an amalgamation activists, representatives of initiative groups, organizations and/or their networks, institutions of different legal forms and levels, acting on the basis of cooperation and partnership, in our activities in four separate but interlinked areas — sexual health, sexual rights, reproductive health, and reproductive rights as the fundamental human rights – to contribute to all people achieving the highest attainable level of sexual and reproductive health, build and develop healthy and prosperous communities, committing to the set of international principles and norms regulating the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and representing international human rights standards.


Canva Pty Ltd is an Australian graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents and other visual content.

OutRight Action International

OutRight Action International fights for the human rights for LGBTIQ people everywhere. OutRight works at the international, regional and national levels to research, document, defend, and advance human rights for LGBTIQ people around the world.

OutRight is the only global LGBTIQ organization with consultative status and a permanent presence at the United Nations Headquarters.

Share-Net International (SNI)

Share-Net International combines the expertise and strengths of Dutch organisations, Southern partners and key international actors working in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to achieve the SRHR and HIV related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

KIT Royal Tropical Institute

KIT Royal Tropical Institute is an independent centre of expertise and education for sustainable development.

Right Side

Right Side is a community based, democratic, human rights defender NGO, founded in January 2016 by trans activists in Armenia. It is the first and only NGO run by and for trans people and sex workers in Armenia and in the South Caucasus.

Tbilisi Pride

Tbilisi Pride is a civic movement which opposes homo/transphobia and fights to overcome it through exercising the constitutional right of assembly and manifestation. The goal of the movement is to contribute to forming the environment, where LGBT people are protected, accepted, free and equal with the other citizens of Georgia.

The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST)

BST is a grantmaking initiative based in Bucharest, Romania. It was created in 2007 by The German Marshall Fund of the United States, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, the Government of Latvia, and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European Commission.

Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. (DAH)

Deutsche Aidshilfe is the nationwide network of authorities on the structural prevention and promotion of health in the context of HIV/AIDS in Germany. DAH combine the competence of experts with that of people affected, and involve our target groups in our work. That is why DAH lay claim to co-determination and interfere when circumstances and decisions affect life with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis as well as prevention – both in Germany as well as internationally.

AIDS Action Europe (AAE)

AAE is a regional network of a diverse group of more than 420 NGOs, national networks and community-based groups, most of which are AIDS service organizations, in 47 countries spanning the WHO European Region.

ІСАР "Єднання"

Ініціативний центр сприяння розвитку та активності громадського почину "Єднання".

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

USAID is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. USAID's work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity; demonstrates American generosity; and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.

БО "100% Життя"

БО "100% Життя" — найбільша пацієнтська організація в Україні, місія якої – боротьба за життя! Мережа працює з пацієнтами та для пацієнтів, в тому числі представляючи інтереси людей, які живуть з ВІЛ, в 25 регіонах України. Мережа працює з 2001 року та є основним реципієнтом та виконавцем проектів Глобального Фонду та USAID в Україні.

AFEW International

AFEW’s work in public health contributes to a healthy society with healthy individuals and specifically healthy key populations at risk for HIV, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and other public health concerns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).


For many years, Aidsfonds has been playing a pioneering role in focusing the AIDS response on those population groups who are affected the most by the HIV epidemic due to stigma and discrimination. Aidsfonds make a stand against injustice. Aidsfonds tackle hurdles that others cannot, will not or dare not attempt to overcome. Aidsfonds put topics on the agenda that others cannot, will not or dare not discuss and Aidsfonds give support to people who others cannot, will not or dare not support.

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge Web browsers.

International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)

IDPC is a global network of 182 NGOs that focus on issues related to drug production, trafficking and use. IDPC promotes objective and open debate on the effectiveness, direction and content of drug policies at the national and international level, and supports evidence-based policies that are effective at reducing drug-related harm. Our advocacy positions are based on five core policy principles. We produce briefing papers, disseminate key resources on drug policy, build the advocacy capacity of our members and partners, and offer expert advice to policy makers and officials around the world. Our global membership has expertise and experience on the wide spectrum of drug policy issues.

Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN)

WHRIN is a global platform to reduce the harms associated with drug use by women and to develop an enabling environment for the implementation and expansion of harm reduction resources for women.

МБФ "Альянс громадського здоров'я"

Альянс громадського здоров'я є провідною недержавною професійною організацією, яка у співпраці з державними партнерами та громадськими організаціями здійснює істотний вплив на епідемію ВІЛ/СНІДу, туберкульозу, вірусних гепатитів та інші соціально небезпечні захворювання в Україні шляхом надання фінансової й технічної підтримки відповідних програм, якими охоплено понад 250 000 найбільш уразливих груп населення, що є найвищим показником у Європі.

Global Fund

Глобальний фонд для боротьби зі СНІДом, туберкульозом та малярією (The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria), заснований в 2002 році, є партнерською організацією між урядами, громадянським суспільством, приватним сектором та людьми, зачепленими трьома захворюваннями. Глобальний фонд залучає та інвестує близько 4 млрд. дол. США на рік для підтримки програм, які здійснюють країнові експерти в найбільш нужденних країнах та спільнотах.

Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM)

ECOM – is an international non-governmental association, a membership, open to non-profitable organisations and activists, which work in the field of HIV-infection prevention and treatment, caring and support for men who have sex with men and transgenders in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Open Society Foundations

The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.